Unlocking the Potential of Renewable Energy

Stranded and Curtailed Energy

Unlocking the Potential of Renewable Energy

We specialize in optimizing underutilized renewable energy projects and stranded energy assets by leveraging on-site flexible data center loads

Our innovative approach enhances the performance and economics of projects that were once deemed unviable, turning challenges into opportunities

Repurposing Digital waste Heat

Digital Heat

Harnessing the Power of Digital Waste Heat

At the forefront of innovation, we lead in repurposing digital waste heat through our patented technology

Our solutions enable the recovery of computing heat for various industrial applications, such as district heating, greenhouses, and fish farms, contributing to the decarbonization of heating across sectors

Empowering Grid Flexibility for a Sustainable Future

Load Balancing & Demand Response

Empowering Grid Flexibility for a Sustainable Future

We are instrumental in bolstering the flexibility of the power grid with our turnkey flexible loads

Offering plug-and-play grid balancing solutions, we support the development of smarter grids capable of efficiently managing the exponential growth of intermittent renewable power sources